eSwapping Price-Checker Guide
4 min readMar 10, 2021

Hello everyone, I’m Mercin, one of the Devs for We are happy to announce that the first product we released to you all is free to use for everyone, it’s a small part of what we have in store for the future.


For anyone looking to know how to use and modify the list of tokens to price-check, this guide is for you.

First you need to download Python 3.8.7 (there soon will be a standalone release which means Python won’t be required)

Download the installer for you platform:

Once installed, you can navigate to your CMD/terminal (depends on platform, I’m showing Windows in this example)

In the Price-Checker folder, you should see all these files:

All the files

Then enter CMD in the directory tab above.

How to navigate to the folder in CMD

You should then see your Command prompt with the correct directory navigating to your Price-checker folder, in my case it’s on B drive but you can install it on any drive, doesn’t make a difference.

Price tracker directory within CMD

You will require few modules to be able to run our script, instead of you having to look for them and installing manually, we have created a requirements.txt file which takes that responsiblity off you.

Type in ‘pip install -r requirements.txt’

This will begin the installation of all required modules, it takes maximum a few minutes.

Installation in progress

After the installation it’s all ready to run by typing in ‘python’

Then you should see the Price-checker starting up and fetching all prices live.

That’s how to run/install the Price-checker.

Now we can move onto how to modify the list of tokens.


Within the folder Price-checker folder you will see a ‘settings’ folder:

Enter the settings folder
Within the settings folder

Open the ‘tokens.json’ file with your favourite text editor, it can even be Notepad, but I recommend Notepad++

Here is a list of the default tokens, keep in mind it contains, buy price, sell price etc. This is used for the limit order bot which will be released soon:

Same for everyone on download.

Now you can copy and paste the bottom part like so:

Make sure to add a comma, it’s highlighted in red on above example.

Then replace the ‘ADDRESS’ , ’SYMBOL’ and ‘ID’ as highlighted below, in my example I’m adding the BAKE token to our price-checker, as you can see below, my previous token is ‘unique3’ ID, when adding a new token, we make the next one a +1, so in this case BAKE becomes ‘unique4’ as its our 4th token on the list.

Now you can run the Price-checker the same way as in the first part of instructions.

BAKE is added to JSON and loaded up

Keep in mind some PEG-TOKENs (in our test case UNI binance peg) seems to have an issue being loaded into the Price-checker, we will be correcting this in our next update release.

Happy trading to you all, can’t wait to show what else we have in store very soon.

For most recent news join our Discord( and Telegram (, if you have any issues or need additional help, hop into one of those groups and someone will get back to you shortly. You can download the price-checker here:

